Most common Frequently asked questions

1) In large doses for a specific organism, PCC X-1  can cause exacerbation, a feeling of discomfort in the affected organs and systems. So, PCC X-1 is dangerous, scary, afraid to take? This is a big mistake. The main thing is the dose, PCC X-1 does not contribute to the emergence of a new disease, but only signals an existing one. But this is when taken in large doses. But what prevents us from following the recommendations and, taking into account the general state of health, to select the optimal dosage regimens? And there will be no discomfort, but only benefits that cannot be overestimated.

2) Why is the better PCC X-1 in solution compared to capsules? In solution, the active substance is completely soluble. The product in solutions of different concentrations makes it possible to easily create the necessary concentrations for direct administration and, if necessary, adjust them. Recommendations for taking PCC X-1 in solutions have been created taking into account the superiority over the capsule form.

3) Why is it not recommended to take PCC X-1 at once in large doses, because the drops are so small? In large doses, the result will be faster. First, high doses can cause discomfort. Secondly, if you start taking it in small doses, then PCC X-1 will act on the body much deeper, more complex, often helps to get rid of the consequences of previously significant diseases and increases the effectiveness of PCC X-1 in large doses. If we want to get the maximum result, then it is very important to start the reception with small doses from a weak solution, and then continue to take a high concentration solution.

4) If PCC X-1 is such a good product, why is it contraindicated for pregnant women? Firstly, caution for all dietary supplements should be taken by pregnant, lactating women, because appropriate studies need to becarried out with this category of people, especially given the complex effect of dietary supplements. Pregnant women are the category of people with whom you need to be especially careful. When taken systematically, PCC X-1 improves the functions of all organs, systems, especially the liver, so that the hormonal background can change. For non-pregnant women, this is only a big plus. And in case of pregnancy, you cannot interfere with this hormonal background, so as not to provoke negative processes that can harm the pregnant woman and the fetus. To a certain extent, this also applies to lactating women: milk production may stop (except when, for example, in a serious condition with influenza, the dose of PCC X-1 is strongly increased for 2-3 days to get rid of the virus).

Regarding children, it is undesirable for practically healthy children to recommend taking PCC X-1 simply to strengthen the immune system. But on an individual basis PCC X-1 is used in children in case of severe heredity, the presence of serious diseases in a comprehensive treatment and prophylactic program. Long-term practice of researching it gives very encouraging results, which cannot be achieved without PCC X-1.

5) There is information that PCC X-1 has anti-cancer effects. Isn’t it possible to replace surgery, chemotherapy with PCC X-1? In no case! PCC X-1 is not an alternative to chemotherapy, let alone surgery. This is a product that helps the body to increase its defences, including in the process of mutating cells, preventing them from becoming malignant. Therefore, only against the background of the necessary treatment, we can connect PCC X-1 to the general treatment program. In most such cases, in a short time we reach large doses, then the doses are reduced.

These are not specific recommendations, but just a general direction.

Specific – with an individual approach, taking into account the general condition of the body, stage, dynamics of the disease.

6) Is it enough for health promotion, for prevention, just to drink a little weak solution or even reach 2-3 drops and so continue in a small dose for a long time?

In fact, PCC X-1 is a very effective product, very multifunctional, but small doses, even if taken for a long time, are not enough for a radical recovery “for the rest of your life.”

Much depends on age, on general health, on lifestyle, on how a person, in principle, maintains health. Acceptance of a weak solution, then a more concentrated one, is a single process, and not a one-time, part-time process. At a respectable age, even before the start of taking PCC X-1, many negative, pathological processes are already going on in the body, which are only aggravated with age, and can lead to very serious diseases that worsen the quality of life and even shorten it.

Only small doses of PCC X-1 cannot cope with these problems forever, you need to go through the full program: be sure to drink a weak solution, drink to the maximum possible large doses (select individually), then gradually reduce the doses to small amounts if needed, (see recommended schemes), take constantly (in extreme cases, very short breaks (10-15 days) are permissible at this stage, but better without them.

Practice shows that after several years of taking in small doses it is very important to go through the “wave, the so-called” slide “of intake again – gradually increase the dose again, drink a little at the maximum dose, and then however, constantly reduce to the dose level for constant intake. External, internal factors affecting the state of health, age “catch up” the body and quite really harm it. Therefore, it needs to be more radically protected.

The regular intake of PCC X-1 should become a way of life for a very long time, or even forever for the constant maintenance of health.