- adaptogen – increases the body’s defenses under stress, increases its resistance to various kinds of unfavorable environmental factors, helps prevent various diseases;
- antioxidant – serves as a “trap” for toxins formed inside the cell during its life; captures and neutralizes free radicals (aggressive molecules with a pronounced damaging effect on cells);
- immunomodulator – restores the parameters of the immune system to normal values;
- natural antiseptic – has antiviral and antibacterial effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
- stabilizer of the nervous system – strengthens the psyche, restores the balance of nervous processes. Basic recommendations for use:
- as a detoxifier working at the cellular level;
- for radioprotection – as a means of protecting a living organism from the aggressive effects of UV radiation;
- to increase the body’s defenses and the functioning of the immune system at the proper level, to support its ability to recognize and neutralize mutating cells, thereby protecting it from various pathologies, including the formation of neoplasms;
- in complex health programs for allergic manifestations, to normalize the body’s distorted reactions to substances that act as allergens;
- as a means that normalizes the action of the nervous system in case of any violations of its activity and maintains emotional stability. It is effective in complex programs of health improvement even with sufficiently deep lesions of the nervous system and mental activity;
- in complex programs of health improvement in case of disorders of the endocrine system;
- in complex programs for the improvement of inflammatory processes in the joint tissues, for the normalization of joint functions;
- as an optimizer of the cardiovascular system: to normalize the state of blood vessels, blood circulation (including venous), pressure, improve cerebral blood flow;
- as a very effective remedy in complex health improvement programs in the presence of pathogenic bacteria and, accordingly, diseases caused by them: streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci (with pneumonia), mycobacteria (Koch’s bacillus), Helicobacter pylori, chlamydia, etc.
- as an effective tool in comprehensive health programs to combat a wide range of viruses, including with frequently mutating: influenza, ARVI, the family of Herpes viruses, papillomaviruses, viruses that cause all types of viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E etc.);
- as a product of antifungal action, it helps to protect the body from various types of fungal infections affecting both the bloodstream of the tissues of internal organs and the skin, mucous membranes, nails, etc. In complex health programs for fungal infections of the lungs, upper respiratory tract, liver, gastrointestinal tract, spleen, external lesions of fungi, including mycoses (for oral administration and for external treatment of affected areas).
- plays an important role in programs for the complex treatment of the following pathologies: neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, various dermatitis, vitiligo, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, Raynaud’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious-allergic arthritis, bronchial asthma, ankylosing spondylitis, NUC (nonspecific ulcerative colitis), Crohn’s disease, autoimmune diseases: type I diabetes mellitus, glomerulonephritis, Sjogren’s disease, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, thyroiditis, gastritis, cystitis, liver cirrhosis and even a large number of diseases with a long chronic course.